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Updated October 28, 2010  

PresentationsBy Attorney Alan Phillips.

Exemptions: At the Vaccine Rights website.
General information, state laws, articles, professional assistance. 

Articles: By Attorney Alan Phillips, concerning vaccine rights.

Vaccine Health Risks: | Websites | Books & Videos | Classes
                         | TreatmentVaccine Injury Attorneys | Organizations |
                           | Nutritional Detoxification Support | Natural Health |

Vaccine Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines; Immunization Ineffectiveness; and Immunization Dangers, by Raymond Obonsawin, Ph.D. October 2009

If You Must VaccinateVaccination Prophylactic Protocol Utilizing Naturopathy and Homeopathy

Other Resources: Legal (VAERS, Shaken Baby Syndrome, etc.) |
Yahoo Vaccine Groups | AnimalsVaccine Petitions |

Please see Disclaimer before reading further.

WEBSITES (alphabetical listing)
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Note: These links will open in a new browser tab or window.

CLASSES (See also Presentations for Exemption Information)
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Note: These links will open in a new browser tab or window.
Potential Therapies for Vaccine-Injuried Children:
Nutritional/Detoxification Support:
Natural Health:

YAHOO VACCINE GROUPS (see also organizations)
  1. NOT listed are vaccine groups: a) for pets, b) not focused primarily on vaccines, c) targeting local communities, d) limited to individual vaccines or diseases, e) small in membership numbers, and f) most autism groups.
  2. Search for other vaccine-related Yahoo groups.

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ORGANIZATIONS (see also groups) top    

Not intended to be or substitute for proper medical advice and supervision. This information is provided for educational purposes only. Consult a professional healthcare practitioner before administering any healthcare protocol.

Vaccination Prophylactic Protocol
Utilizing Naturopathy and Homeopathy

1)    One month before the vaccination date:  Large amounts of Vitamin C. That is, 1000 mill. twice daily three weeks before the date. Then double that amount two weeks before and triple the amount the week of the vaccinations  including the day of and  at least one month post vaccination date. 

2)    On the day of the vaccinations a mixture of Hypericum 1M and Ledum 1M placed in 4 ounces of water to be  sipped every 2 hours. 1 sip = 1 Tablespoon.  It should be taken as close to  and after the injections as possible and continued for one day after; longer if soreness occurs at the site. 

3)    As soon as possible after the injection, preferably within minutes, have a small baggy of Redmond Clay  Conditioner,  (can be found on line) that is in its natural state.  The natural state is when it is dry and powdery.  It should be activated with a small amount of water or saliva to make a muddy paste and placed directly on the injection site.  To keep it affixed, either a large bandage with tape, a plastic bag tied around it or a handkerchief should hold the mixture in place.  Soon after a new application should be put in place and repeated every few hours for a minimum of 1 week. Redmond Clay is medicinal.  It binds with and draws out toxins.

4)    Diatomaceous Earth or Bentonite be consumed in a beverage and drunk for the next several days. 1 Tablespoon 1-3 times per day. This will bind toxins and to aid in drawing them out. 

5)    Mercurius sol 30 or Mercurius viv 30 administered particularly if there are any neurological effects as soon after the vaccination as possible.

6)    Probiotics and prebiotics taken every day for months in advance and months after.  This can be found naturally  in raw milk, yogurt, real sauerkraut or in capsule or powder  form, such acidophilus.

7)    Thuja 200c can be used as a finishing homeopathic remedy. It should be considered a month after the last vaccines. Sulphur can also be considered depending on pathology presentation. 

8)    Abstinence from junk food and in it’s place, as much coconut oil, (such as Green Pasture) raw butter, raw or at least whole dairy, rare meats and plenty of water. 

9)     Many of these products and remedies can be stowed away in lockers and duffle bags. Even butter and coconut oil can be kept for extended periods of time in high temperatures.  Homeopathic remedies must not be exposed to heat above 120 degrees as it may render them useless.  Clay and Vitamin C  remain fully capable after exposure to any temperature. Avoid mint, camphor, menthol, teatree oil and other aromatics to keep from antidoting the homeopathics for at least one month.

10)    For mothers who worry dreadfully about their children in this setting,  the following remedies are vital and are in order of importance:   Causticum, Ignatia and Argentum nit (or Arg met). To be administered by a homeopath as poetency, frequency and constitution are a consideration.


1)  Nux vomica for 2 weeks.(generally for adults)

2)  Thuja 30 for 3 weeks;  thrice daily

3)  Sulphur, Malandrinum and Thuja are known in the  medical literature to offer the ability to counter serious side effects of vaccination.

4)  Silica and Thuja together have been known to be effect antidotes to Vaccinosis.

5)  Bovine colostrum drunk daily

6)  Colloidal silver, especially if there’s an indication of autism

7)  Slippery elm tincture

Please note that homeopathic experience is required  in order to utilize the  homeopathic remedies ( written in italics). Contact a certified homeopath for direction.

Sources:   Liz Potter,  Isaac Golden, MD,
Joette Calabrese, CCH, RSHom and Dr. Ramakrishnan



  • Dr. Michael W. Fox, Award-Winning Veterinarian, former VP Humane Society of US and Humane Society International, author of more than 40 books...

  © 2010 by  Alan Phillips, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 3473, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3473