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last update 1/15/11

top JANUARY 2011

     H1N1 Vaccine-Related Miscarriages, The Medical Entrepreneur AAPS podcast, January 13, 2011

     Lies, Damned Lies and Medical Science, Alliance for Human Research Protection, January 12, 2011

     Is there a misunderstanding in the media of the conflictingduties of a medico-legal expert?, BMJ, January 8, 2011

     Statement from Dr. Andrew Wakefiled: No Fraud. No Hoax. No Profit Motive, PR Newswire, January 13, 2011

     Truth Behind HPV VaccineTravesty Unveiled in "OneMore Girl" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, The One Click Group, January 11, 2011

     Call for full access to Tamiflu trial data to allow for independent scrutiny,, January 11, 2011

     Loveland Student's Meningitis Death Inspires Wyo. Bill to Vaccinate 7th Graders, Denver News, January 9, 2011

     Child Flu Vaccine Contains Mercury, Health Editor,, January 9, 2010

     What's Really to Blame for California's Whooping Cough Epidemic?,, January 7, 2010

     Lancet 12 Parents Respond to Brian Deer BMJ GMC Allegations, Age of Autism, January 7, 2011

     Cervarix - Armed for life? United Kingdom says 'NO' as they battle false advertising, Rumor Mill News, January 6, 2011

     Scientists urge FDA to stop amalgam use,, January 5, 2011

     Lies, Damned Lies, and Swine Flu Statistics, The One Click Group, January 5, 2011

top DECEMBER 2010

     Vaccines and Autoimmune Diseases in Adults, Discovery Medicine, copyright 2011 (February 4, 2010)

     Under-fives will NOT be given flu jab despite explosion in cases, Mail Online, December 31, 2010

     Less likely to get flu if you haven't had vaccine: reader, Cottage Country Now, December 29, 2010

     Beware UK Government/Media Swine Flu Terror Campaign, The One Click Group, December 28, 2010

     Did Pfizer Bribe Its Way Out of Criminal Charges in Nigeria?, the Atlantic, December 27, 2010

     Experts Call for All Under-Fives to be  Vaccinated Against Swine Flu,, December 26, 2010

     Faculty still paid by drug firms, The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 24, 2010

     Flu vaccines are overrated, The Aspen Times, December 23, 2010

     Polio vaccines may have lost efficacy in Pakistan, sify news, December 22, 2010

     Commentary: Spike In Young ICU H1N1 Cases in UK Raises Concerns, recombinomics, December 21, 2010

     Indigestion pills are a major cause of "killer" pneumonia, What Doctors Don't Tell You, December 21, 2010

     Public Citizen Study: Pharmaceutical Industry Is Biggnest Defrauder of the Federal Government Under the False Claims Act, PharmPro, December 20, 2010

     HHS, Walgreens Partner to Give Free Flu Shots, medpage Today, December 17, 2010

     Concerns Raised Over Whooping Cough Vaccine's Potency, San Diego News, December 14, 2010

     Federal Court: E-Mail Entitled to Fourth Amendment protection, Outside the Beltway, December 14, 2010

     Former head of NIH to oversee Sanofi's vaccines division (Sanofi Names Zerhouni Research Head, Replacing Cluzel), Bloomberg, December 14, 2010

     Narcolepsy diagnosed in 41 children vaccinated for H1N1 last year, Helsingin Sanomat (Finland), December 14, 2010

     No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine: Chochrane Collaboration Study, Health Freedom Alliance, December 10, 2010

     Mom appeals to have child exempt from immunizations, the Charleston Gazette, December 9, 2010

     Parents worried about the MMR could give vitamin A instead, What Doctors Don't Tell You, December 8, 2010

     AAPS Wallops Texas Medical Board, Bolen Report, December 8, 2010

     Ireland reports 64 cases of "adverse reactions" to HPV vaccine, Life Site News, December 7, 2010

     Even those fully vaccinated can still get whooping cough, health official says, The Tribune-Star (Indiana), December 4, 2010

     Judge refuses to order vaccinations, Calgary Sun, December 2, 2010

     Health Department says fewer people are getting flu shots this year, BioPortfolio, December 2, 2010

     New Pneumococcal Vaccine is Killing Babies - American Academy of Pediatrics, The One Click Group, December 3, 2010

top NOVEMBER 2010

     Exposure to Mercury From Dental Fillings Exceeds Safe Levels, PR Newswire, November 24, 2010

    Homoeopathic Immunization Against Leptospirosis in Cuba, Hpathy, November 8, 2010

     Lessons must be learnt after 59 Widness children given wrong jab, Runcorn and Widnes World (UK), November 24, 2010

     A look at the late-stage vaccine pipeline (shows world market pediatric vaccine sales and projections), Fierce Vaccines, November 11, 2010

     Polio vaccine side effects case could serve as a precedent for narcolepsy lawsuits linked with swine flu vaccine, Helsingin Sanomat (Finland, via The One Click Group), November 23, 2010

     Recommendations for combination vaccines modified, pediatric supersite, November 20, 2010

     Vaccine manufacturers big winners in fight for government cash, The Guardian (UK), November 19, 2010

     Blockbuster Vaccines of the Future, Fierce Vaccines, November 18, 2010

     Ties Between Big Pharma and THL Draw Complaints (Finland),, November 17, 2010

     Girls went into shock after their cancer jab, (UK), November 16, 2010

     Report questions safety of planned biodefense lab, Bloombert Businessweek, November 15, 2010

     Medical Journal Complicit in Corruption of Medicine, Alliance for Human Research Protection (via The One Click Group), November 15, 2010

     Adults may not be spreading whooping cough: study, Reuters, November 11, 2010

    Hep B Vaccination of Male Neonates (birth - 4 weeks) and Autism Diagnosis [vaccinated 3 times more likely to have autism], NHIS 1997-2002, Pub Med, Jan 2010

    Utah Sues GlaxoSmithKline Over Drug, Associated Press, November 11, 2010

     Most Doctors Take Industry Perks, New Survey Shows, Pro Publica, November 10, 2010

     Special Team Investigating Narcolepsy Cases,, Finland, November 10, 2010

     Big Pharma to Begin Microchipping Drugs, Natural News, November 9, 2010

     Pharmaceutical Company Lawyer Charged With Obstruction and Making False Statements, FDA, November 9, 2010

     Vaccine scandal latest to erode trust in China's health system, Irish Times, November 8, 2010

      Bill Gates declares this will be the decades of vaccines (commits over $10 billion), Natural News TV, November 6, 2010

     Proposal For Compulsory Deadly MMR Vaccine Blasted By Parents, Wigan today [UK] (via The One Click Group), November 4, 2010

     More than 330 vaccines in development or on the market..., Business Wire, November 4, 2010

     Many Higher-Income Parents Foregoing Kids' Vaccinations: Report, US News Health, November 3, 2010

     More Crony Capitalism at the FDA, Alliance for Natural Health, November 2, 2010
New Study Re-examines Bacterial Vaccine Studies Conducted During 1918 Influenza Pandemic, NIH News, November 2, 2010

     [Flu] Shots can contain mercury,, November 1, 2010

top OCTOBER 2010

     Call to beef up vaccine monitoring, The Sydney Morning Herald, October 31, 2010

     Keep swine flu vaccine separate: MP (UK), google hosted news, October 28, 2010

     Narcolepsy and swine flu: conflicts of interest in Finnish research, One Click Group, October 28, 2010

     40 UK children killed by MMR - and the true picture could be 10 times worse, WDDTY, October 27, 2010

     India cannot afford to use vaccines that are not cost-effective, The Guardian (UK), October 27, 2010

     "Zombie Virus" Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid?, National Geographic, October 27, 2010

     Glaxo to Pay $750 Million for Sale of Bad Products, The New York Times, October 26, 2010

     Novel virus may have jumpred from monkeys to humans,, October 25, 2010.

     Patients' anger after they are unable to opt out of swine flu vaccines despite fears of side effects, Mail Online (UK), October 25, 2010.

     Glaxo ready for barrage of lawsuits, Mail Online (UK), October 21, 2010

     Media Fail: Whooping Cough Vaccine Propaganda,, October 21, 2010

     Two Students at CSU Contract Meningitis--One Died--Both Vaccinated, Vaccine Liberation Army, October 21, 2010

     Drug companies influence prescribing (and not necessarily in a positive way), study finds,, October 20, 2010

     Temperatures soar in federal/state stoush over influenza vaccination (Australia), the Crikey health blog, October 19, 2010

     Dollars for Docs - What Drug Companies are Paying Your Doctor, Pro Publica, Journalism in the public interest, October 19, 2010

     More kids' hospital doctors get whooping cough, ABC News, October 18, 2010

     Health Chiefs Confirm Link Between Flu Vaccine and Killer Nerve Disease,, October 18, 2010

     Be wary of rolling up sleeves for one-shot vaccine, Edmonton Journal (Canada), October 18, 2010

     Experts admit swine flu jab may cause deadly nerve disease, Mail Online (UK), October 16, 2010

     Supreme Court Weighs Whether Vaccine Makers Can be Sued, PBS News Hour (youtube), October 12, 2010

     Democratic Ad Slams Texas Gov. Rick Perry Over HPV Vaccine, CBS News, October 12, 2010

     9 out of 10 U.S. Parents want research on vaccine safety,, October 12, 2010

     Supreme Court to Consider Vaccine Case, The New York Times, October 11, 2010

     Novartis, Craig Venter to Create Synthetic Vaccines, Bloomberg News, October 7, 2010

     Should Vaccine Lawsuits be Preempted?, Pharmalot, October 4, 2010

     Why Are Vaccines Being Pushed When Majority Are Swine Flu Immune? NIH Estimates 59% of US population is already immune to swine flu, Dr. Meryl Nass (via The One Click Group), October 1, 2010

top SEPTEMBER 2010

     Forcing Flu Shots on Healthcare Workers: Who is Next?, Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, September 29, 2010

     WHO Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) Warned by Doctors, Drug Action Forum (via The One Click Group) -- Karnataka, India, September 24, 2010

     Mandating flu vaccine for healthcare workers, Dr. Meryl Nass, September 24, 2010

     Preliminary study shows Rotarix may increase risk of bowel problems, Vaccine News Daily, September 23, 2010

     GSK adds bowel risk to Rotarix [infant vaccine] label, FiercePharma, September 23, 2010

     Safety fears over vaccines, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 23, 2010

     $65m of swine flu vaccines may be destroyed, The Australian, September 22, 2010

    New Canadian Research Shows Flu Vaccines Substantially Enhance Swine Flu Risk, Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., September 21, 2010

     Study on flu shots and heart-attack risks questioned, CIDRAP, September 21, 2010

     Polysorbate 80 in Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility in Humans, Organic Health (via The One Click Group), September 21, 2010

     China Mass Measles Vaccination Plan Sparks Outcry After High School Student's Sudden Death, Status of Chinese People (via the One Click Group), September 19, 2010

     Side effects [of vaccine] worse than the disease, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 18, 2010

     Acellular pertussis vaccination enhances B. parapertussis colonization, Penn State Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics, 2010

     Missouri last in toddler vaccines,, September 17, 2010

     CDC Falisifies Pregnant Women Stats, Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages (associated with swine flu vaccines), Vaccine Liberation Army, September 16, 2020

     Brain Swelling and Damage Associated With Vaccines, Catherine Frompovich at the Advisory Commission on Vaccines Meeting September 2-3, 2010, Rockville, MD, posted September 16, 2010

    Delhi high court slams Centre for introducing irrational vaccines, DNA Daily News and Analysis, September 16, 2010

     Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools,, September 14, 2010

     Vietnam to destroy expired Tamiflu amid controversy, Thanhnien News (via The One Click Group), September 13, 2010

     More parents choosing not to vaccinate their kids, Southern CA Public Radio, September 12, 2010

     China mass measles vaccination plan sparks outcry, Yahoo Health, September 12, 2010

     Flu vaccine does not reduce risk of severe complications,, September 11, 2010

     Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award, CBS News, September 9, 2010

     Vaccine Pushed on Infants Causes Drug-Resistant Pneumonia: JAMA Study, Gaia Health, September 6, 2010

     Nepal suspends import of  A/H1N1 vaccines following reports of complications,, September 5, 2010

     The ministry may be sued over vaccine (Indonesia), Jakarta Post, September 4, 2010

     Confusion over death of 3 infants after vaccination (Bangladesh), The Daily Star, September 3, 2010

     Nearly half of healthcare workers in California hospitals did not receive flu shots, Los Angeles Times, September 2, 2010

top AUGUST 2010

     Mandate Flu Vaccination for Healthcare Workers, Say Infectious Disease Experts, Medscape Today (via The One Click Group), August 31, 2010

    Chancellor of Justice: Change Probably Needed for Rules on Vaccine Trade (Finland),, August 26, 2010

     CDC backs away from decades-old flu death estimate, Rueters, August 26, 2010

     Finland: Chancellor of Justice is investigating if bribery was used in narcolepsy--suspect Pandemerix vaccine trade,, August 26, 2010

     Two more kids die after vaccination, Hindustan Times, August 25, 2010

     Vaccine refusals are on the rise, Sign On San Diego, August 23, 2010

     H1N1 vaccinations suspended over narcolepsy scare (Finland), Helsingin Sanomat International Edition, August 25, 2010

     Making a Killing--"a searing indictment of the morally bankrupt prevailing culture in drug research," Alliance for Human Research Protection, August 23, 2010

     Measles vaccine deaths in Lucknow (India), Health Ministry orders an inquiry, NDTV, August 22, 2010

     O.C. patent removes mercury in vaccines, The Orange County Register, August 21, 2010

     Vaccination against HPV is dangerous and unnecessary (Malaysia), thestar online, August 20, 2010

     Sweden opens inquiry into suspect [swine] flu vaccine, Google news, August 18, 2010

     Lawsuit alleges Gardasil vaccination caused minor's seizures, The Louisana Record, August 17, 2010

     Double standard for big pharma bribes (US Department of Justice to Investigate Pharma Bribes Abroad), Fortune (, August 17, 2010

     Swine flu advisers' ties to drug firms: Five WHO experts linked with vaccine producers, Mail Online (UK), August 13, 2010

    Call to examine connections of swine flu experts, Brisbane Times (Australia), August 13, 2010

    WHO Identifies Conflicted Pandemic Panel Members, Pharmalot, August 11, 2010

    WHO chief says H1N1 flu pandemic over, Reuters, August 10, 2010

     'Expired' polio vaccine kills three children in Faisalabad (Pakistan), Daily Times (via The One Click Group), August 9, 2010

     Swine flu jab doctors are paid £1.2m, Men Media (UK), August 9, 2010

     Polio in dangerous state of transmission (India), Republica (via The One Click Group), August 8, 2010

     Queensland hospital staff were concerned about swine flu vaccine side effects (study), (Australia), August 8, 2010

     GAVI and WHO - Demanding accountability, BMJ Letters, August 4, 2010

     Amry plans 'DNA blasting' vaccines for mass innoculation during times of emergency,, August 4, 2010

     Scientists say vaccine to eliminate stress, The Australian, August 2, 2010

     Mumps outbreak contained but remains mystery, KENS5 (TX), August 2, 2010

     Docs caught administering H1N1 vaccines in Vastrapur, The Times of India, August 1, 2010

top JULY 2010

     Lost in Bureaucratic Space: Freedom of Information (swine flu), CBS News Investigates, July 30, 2010.

     GP's warned of convulsion risk in children given flu jab, Pulse (via The One Click Group), July 29, 2010

     Vaccine jab claims one more life, The Times of India, July 29, 2010

     Five-in-one vaccine led to child deaths: experts (WHO coverup), sify news, July 29, 2010

     Minister ignored advice over swine flu vaccine double dose plan, Dutch News, July 27, 2010

     Merck Paid 3468 Death Claims to Resolve Vioxx Suits, San Francisco Chronicle, July 27, 2010

     FDA in Final Stages of Approving Painless Vaccine Patch,, July 25, 2010

     Internet Vaccine Criticism and Vaccination Risks, (Germany) (via The One Click Group), July 22, 2010

     Glaxo to pay $1 Billion to Settle Paxil Birth Defects Cases, Pharmalot, July 21, 2010

     Antibodies Induced by HIV Vaccines May Give False-Positive HIV Test Results, Medscape Today (via The One Click Group), July 20, 2010

     Nigeria: Trovan Case (vaccine test) - New Victims Sue Pfizer for U.S. $384 Billion,, July 20, 2010

     Tainted Vaccine "Protesters" Beaten, Bones Fractured, China Digital Times, July 20, 2010

     98% of drug labs have problems, The Australian, July 19, 2010

     Vaccine patch may replace needles, BBC News Health, July 18, 2010

     H1N1 in Ukraine Approaches Epidemic Levels, recombinomics, July 15, 2010

     New Study Shows Vaccines Cause Brain Changes Found in Autism, Age of Autism, July 15, 2010 [Journal article]

     Flu vaccine protesters get help from ministry (China), Global Times, July 14, 2010

     Watchdog group seeks probe into two vaccine manufacturers, Infectious Disease News, July 8, 2010

     Doctors in Marharashtra refuse to use swine flu vaccine, the med guru (via the One Click Group), July 8, 2010

     Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters to Place over 40 "Scientific" Articles in [18 Different] Medical Journals, Natural News, July 8, 2010

     Additional Questions About the H1N1 Scandal, British Medical Journal (via
The One Click Group)

     Sex With Small Pox Vaccine Recipient Can Lead to Illness, Bloomburg Business Week, July 1, 2010

     UK Doctors Reject Calls for Enforced Pre-School Immunisation, Age of Autism, July 2, 20210

     Ministers 'wasted millions on stockpile of swine flu drugs for epidemic that never arrived', Mail online (UK), July 2, 2010

     Millions of swine flu vaccine doses to be burned (US), Associated Press, July 2, 2010

top JUNE 2010

     Japan anticipates H1N1 vaccine loss at $853 million, Meryl Nass, M.D., June 29, 2010

     Seattle's Theraclone makes a 'first step' on long road to universal flu vaccine, The Seattle Times, June 28, 2010

     Combo shot boosts kids' fever-related seizure risk, CNN Health, June 28, 2010

     SNACC recalls tampered vaccines, Yemen Today Magazine, June 26, 2010

     U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions..., Natural News, June 26, 2010

     Implications of a Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus in Nigeria, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 24, 2010

     Whooping cough is declared an epidemic in California, Shine from Yahoo, June 24, 2010

     2 experts resign from WHO swine flu panel, AP Associated Press, June 23, 2010

     Newport MP slams swine flu 'pandemic' warning, South Wales Argus, June 22, 2010

     FDA Proposes Dangerous Vaccine Rule Change, Age of Autism, June 23, 2010; NVIC Vaccine News, June 22, 2010

     So Many Foreign Clinical Trials, So Little Oversight, Pharmalot, June 22, 2010

     More Than A Pinprick, A sly fudging of facts is pushing India into buying vaccines backed by the WHO that may have killed children in other countries, Tehelka, June 21, 2010

   New Aids-Like Disease Appears in China, The Epoch Times, June 20, 2010

     CIDRAP: HHS finds school-based pandemic vaccine clinics effective, Everything Swine Flu, June 18, 2010

   Enrolling Pregnant Women in Research, Lessons from the H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, New England Journal of Medicine, June 17, 2010

     Ring prophylaxis contained influenza A(H1N1) outbreaks, Infectious Disease News, June 17, 2010

   Study Criticizes Swine Flu Follow-Up, New York Times, June 17, 2010

     Early Live Exposure to PCB's Reduces Immune Response to Vaccination, newswise, June 16, 2010

     PACE Health Committee denounces 'unjustifed scare' of Swine Flu, waste of public money, Parliamentary Assembly of the Counci of Europe, June 4, 2010

     Report Condemns WHO Swine Flu Experts' Ties to Big Pharma, (via The One Click Group), June 4, 2010

     FDA defearted in federal court over censorship of truthful health claims, Natural News, June 4, 2010

   Conflicts of Interest - WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies", British Medical Journal, June 3, 2010

     Vaccine Cells Trigger Fits in Babies and Toddlers, according to Nobel Prize laureate Peter Doherty, The Australian (via The One Click Group), June 3, 2010

     Vaccine Contamination, A Threat to Human Health, NVIC Vaccine News (via The One Click Group), June 1, 2010

     CDC: Swine flu vaccine proved safe, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 2, 2010

     CSL Withdraws Child Fluvax Vaccine, The Wall Street Journal, Asia, June 1, 2010

top MAY 2010

     Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology, Natural News, May 28, 2010

     Majority Support Parental Vaccination Choice According to New Harris Poll,, May 24, 2010

     An FDA proposal for improved transparency, TIME, May 19, 2010

     Expert panel to view confidential swine flu papers, Washington Post, May 19, 2010 *NOTE: This article appears to be no longer available.

     Swine flu vaccine caused deaths, Norwegian state agency launches investigation, the Foreigner, May 18, 2010 *NOTE: This article appears to have been removed from the site.

     More on pre-pandemic vaccinations/CIDRAP, Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, via The One Click Group, May 16, 2010

     Billions wasted on swine flu pandemic that never came, The Independent (via The One Click Group), May 16, 2010

     Parents 'pimp' kids for swine flu test, The Daily Telegraph (via The One Click Group), May 16, 2010

     2 kids dead after vaccination, locals protest, (via The One Click Group), May 15, 2010

     Parents With More Education Less Likely to Let Their Daughters Get HPV Shots, The Body (via The One Click Group), May 14, 2010

     Surveillance reports show few pandemic flu hot spots, CIDRAP (Univ of MN), May 14, 2010

     Editor in China sacked for expose on authorities negligence in vaccine deaths incident, One India, May 12, 2010

     UPDATE: How much did pharmaceutical companies make on H1N1 vaccines?, Meryl Nass, MD (via The One Click Group), May 10, 2010

     World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes, Fox News, May 10, 2010

     Merck Vaccine Recalled in Hong Kong, to Remain in Use in U.S., Fair Warning, May 7, 2010

     Too Many Jumped on Swine Flu Hoax Bandwagon, The Intelligencer (Canada, via The One Click Group), May 7, 2010

     Millions of Swine Flu Shots Wasted, The Local (Germany's News in English, via The One Click Group), May 7, 2010

     Pig Virus DNA Found in Merck Rotavirus Vaccine, Reuters (via The One Click Group), May 6, 2010

     NHS slashes services to meet cost of swine flu scare, Mail Online (via The One Click Group), May 6, 2010

     Child vaccine refusals on the rise in the U.S.,, May 5, 2010

     EU parliament urged to investigate H1N1 outbreak, The Parliament (via The One Click Group), May 5, 2010

     U.S. has 71 million unused [swine] flu vaccine doses, Reuters, May 4, 2010

     Huge proportion of swine flu vaccines going to waste, (via the One Click Group), May 3, 2010

     Infant dies, seven others fall ill after consuming polio drops in Surat, DNA India, May 2, 2010

     Pandemic Pandemonium Profiteering, AntiCorruption Society, May 1, 2010

top APRIL 2010

     Parents recount flu jab nightmare, ABC News, April 29, 2010

      PBS Frontline on Autism Resports to Psuedo-Documentary, Tabloid Journalism, Jay Gordon, MD, Huffington Post, April 28, 2010

      GP Reported After Toddler's Vaccine Death, The Australian (via The One Click Group), April 28, 2010

     Flu Vaccine Early Warning Signs Ignored as Children Convulse and Die, (via The One Click Group), April 28, 2010

      Research suggests flu vaccine doesn't prevent deaths among the elderly, Minnesota Public Radio, (via The One Click Group), April 27, 2010

      Parents hammer hotline as 250 adverse flu jab reactions reported, (via The One Click Group), April 27, 2010

  Swine Flu Bill Impossible to Justify, Says GP Chairman, BBC News (via The One Click Group), April 25, 2010

     44 Pupils Rushed to Hospital After Hepatitis B Vaccine Shots, China Daily (via The One Click Group), April 24, 2010

      The Swine Flu Panic of 2009: Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria, Center for Research on Globalization, April 24, 2010

      H1N1 vaccine study investigating hints of complications from vaccine, The Washington Post, April 24, 2010

      St. Louis doctors get $2.5 million from Pfizer, Lilly, Glaxo, Merck (to promote H1N1 vaccines), St. Louis Business Journal (via The One Click Group), April 23, 2010

      2,000 Doctors Named for Taking Pharma Bribes (including vaccines), The Economic Times, India (via The One Click Group), April 23, 2010

      Senator Grassley takes aim at CDC over financial conflicts, Reuters (via The One Click Group), April 23, 2010

      Flu vaccination ban goes national after fever, convulsions in children, WA today (Western Australia), April 23, 2010

      New Zealand Issues Fluvax Warning After Children Convulse, (via The One Click Group), April 23, 2010

     Flu shots suspended after kids hospitalised, ABC News, April 22, 2010

     Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines,, April 21, 2010

     Jury Still Out On Swine Flu, WHO & Pharamceutical Industry Corruption, AFP (via The One Click Group), April 21, 2010

    Feds Consider Banning Pharma Drug Dealers For Fraud, Pharmalot (via The One Click Group), April 20, 2010

    Millions Wasted As Swine Flu Deadly Vaccines Tossed Out, The Vancouver Sun (via The One Click Group), April 20, 2010

    Scientists fear MMR link to autism, Mail Online, April 18, 2010

     2nd Intn'l Swine Flu Conference to be held in Washington, DC, August 18-19, Online PR News, April 16, 2010

     Public Engagement Group Reviews U.S. Vaccine Safety Program, NVIC (via The One Click Group), April 16, 2010

     International Agencies Telling Media Lies Over Hib Vaccine, The Times of India (via The One Click Group), April 15, 2010

     Corrupt WHO Attempts to Whitewash Swine Flu Inquiry, Associated Press (via The One Click Group), April 15, 2010

     World Health Organisation Secures it's Own Irrelevance, The One Click Group, April 15, 2010

     WHO Purposefully Promotes Hib Vaccine In Asia Misinformation, The One Click Group, April 15, 2010

     Canada Demands GlaxoSmithKline Refund for Expired Swine Flu Vaccines, The Vancouver Sun, (via The One Click Group), April 15, 2010

     WHO pandemic probe focuses on media, Internet role, google news (via The One Click Group), April 13, 2010

     Corrupt WHO Attempts to Rewrite History to Confuse Swine Flu Inquiry, BMJ via The One Click Group, April 12, 2010

     Chines Drugmaker Under Criminal Investigation, Pharmalot, (via The One Click Group), April 9, 2010

     Society Groups Demand HPV Vaccines Enquiry, The Hindu, Online edition of India's National Newspaper (via The One Click Group), April 9, 2010

     State pushes for flu shots as vaccine nears expiration, Maryland Daily Record, April 8, 2010

     BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA: Immunization rules for children have changed,, April 8, 2010

    H1N1 Spread Linked to Seasonal Flu Shots
, (via The One Click Group), April 8, 2010

    Cancer vaccine programme suspended after 4 girls die, DNA (India) (via The One Click Group), April 8, 2010

    Merck Vaccine Trial Halted After Encephalitis Case, FDAnews Drug Daily Bulletin, (via The One Click Group), April 7, 2010

    How £300 million was squandered on swine flu jabs that we didn't need, Mail Online (via The One Click Group), April 7, 2010

    HEALTH - CHINA: Wave of Anger Rises Over Vaccine Scandal, IPS; China faces new health scare over 'bad vaccines', Breitbart (via The One Click Group), April 7, 2010

    New Study: Seasonal Flu Shot Increases Risk of Catching Swine Flu, CIDRAP (via The One Click Group), April 6, 2010

    Mass Immunization Swine Flu Vaccines Dangerous and Inappropriate, Pharmacy News (via The One Click Group), April 6, 2010

    Scientist Deceived by Drugs Giant, The Australian (via The One Click Group), April 3, 2010

    Feds found Pfizer too big to nail, CNN Health (via The One Click Group), April 2, 2010

top MARCH 2010

    Bulgarian Health Minister Resigns Over Swine Flu Pharam Scandal, (via The One Click Group), March 31, 2010

    Time For Truth About Gardasil Vaccine, (via The One Click Group), March 30, 2010

    Israeli Soliders Sue for Millions Over Anthrax Vaccine Experiment, (via The One Click Group), March 28, 2010

    New Swine Flu Report Reveals WHO and Public Health Corruption, (via The One Click Group), March 28, 2010

    'Untested' cancer vaccine on sale, The Tribune (India), March 27, 2010

    Pfizer to pay $142M for drug fraud, CBC News, March 26, 2010

    Experts Posit Swine Flu Vaccine Link to Illnesses, (via The One Click Group), March 25, 2010

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. re-opens the vaccine-autism controversy, Digital Journal, March 25, 2010

    France to pay 16 pct for cancelled H1N1 doses-paper, Reuters, March 23, 2010

    Ron Paul: Healthcare Reform Passes, Prison Planet, March 23, 2010

    White House, experts: Health care suit will fail, Yahoo News, March 23, 2010

    FDA suspends Glaxo rotavirus vaccine as precaution, Yahoo News, March 22, 2010

    Colo. will join lawsuit to block healthcare bill,, March 22, 2010

     Jail Time for Executives Might Stop Drug Crimes, Alliance for Human Research Protection, (via The One Click Group), March 22, 2010

     China - Four Infants Dead and 76 ill From Vacines Disaster, Shanghai (via The One Click Group), March 20, 2010

     Swine Flu Fears Worse Than Virus, CBS News (via The One Click Group), March 19, 2010

     Parents Respond to Vaccine Rulings, Mother Nature Network, March 19, 2010

     Civil Society Activism Hinders Vaccine-introduction in India: Vote for Autocracy?, PLOS Medicine (via The One Click Group), March 18, 2010

      Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out, health freedom alliance, March 18, 2010

     Many Avandia defenders have drug co. ties: study, Reuters, March 18, 2010

     Sebelius Asks Media to Censor Autism Debate, Age of Autism, March 16, 2010

     HHS preparing to handle claims of harm from H1N1 vaccine, Vaccine News, via The One Click Group, March 16, 2010

     New Report - Vitamin D Better Than Vaccines at Preventing Flu, The One Click Group, March 15, 2010

     Coalition for Vaccine Safety Explains the Autism Omnibus Proceeding, Age of Autism, March 14, 2010

     Swine Flu Pandemic Hysteria Hoax Heads for Court, The One Click Group, March 14, 2010

     FDA Corruption Letter Authenticated: Lawyers, Start Your Engines!, BNET, March 12, 2010

     'Vaccine Court' rejects mercury-autism link in 3 test cases, Los Angeles Times, March 12, 2010 

     U.S. Supreme Court Accepts Appeal Over Vaccine Safety, Health Freedom Alliance, March 8, 2010 

    Forged documents and a scientist who absconds with $2 million puts autism studies in doubt, American Chronlicle, March 7, 2010

    Vaccine Failure -- Over 1,000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months,, March 6, 2010

    Microsoft's Bill Gates Promotes Vaccine Eugenics, The One Click Group, March 4, 2010

    Newly Formed Coalition for Vaccine Safety Speaks With a Unified Voice on Serious Gaps in Vaccine Science, PR Newswire, March 3, 2010

    Vaccines to be Jabbed into UK Doctors by General Medical Council Order, Times Online, via The One Click Group, March 3, 2010

    Irish Health Minister accused of swine flu 'overreaction', Belfast Telegraph, via The One Click Group, March 3, 2010

top FEBRUARY 2010

    Flu Vaccines Cost a Fortune and Don't Work, The One Click Group (TIME with CNN), February 27, 2010

    H1N1 vaccination programs and the 'public health dept., inc.', Ohians against experimental and school vaccinations, February 25, 2010

    UK Government Swine Flu Drug Dealers Forgot to Insert Cancel Clause in £200m Contract, The One Click Group, February 24, 2010

    Panel recommends annual flu vaccination for all, The Washington Post, February 24, 2010

    Government scraps swine flu vaccination campaign for under fives, PULSE, February 22, 2010

    FDA: Conflict of Interest in Vaccine Approval Confirmed, The Epoch Times, February 20, 2010

    H1N1 vaccine campaign under scrutiny, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, February 19, 2010

    £115m annual flu jab cost 'may be a waste of money', Mail Online, via The One Click Group,  February 17, 2010

    England drowning in swine flu vaccine, Poland has none and explains why/BBC, Anthrax vaccine blogspot, via The One Click Group,  February 13, 2010

    Doctors refuse to take H1N1 vaccine, DNA (, via The One Click Group, February 13, 2010

    Almost 1 in 5 Americans had swine flu; death rate over 11,000 (Oh yeah? See Sharyl Attkisson's Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?), The Washington Post, February 13, 2010

    Delhi high court admits plea against govt's vaccination drive, DNA (, via The One Click Group, February 12, 2010

    Mumps outbreak spreads among vaccinated people, Natural News, February 11, 2010

    Flu Vaccine Safe for Infants Six Weeks Old (?!), The Palm Beach Post Health, February 11, 2010

   Swine Flu in Pregnancy - What to Look Out For, Medical News Today, February 10, 2010 [But see possible swine flu vaccine miscarriages...]

    Vaccine tests of Romanian children spark controversy,, via The One Click Group, February 10, 2010

    This Might Hurt (an article concerning Texas' immunization registry), The Texas Tribune, February 9, 2010

    British and Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism, Child Health Safety, February 8, 2010
    SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The men who made a killing out of swine flu while we wasted £1bn and were exposed to harmful drugs, Mail Online (UK), February 6, 2010   


     H1N1 flu shot sickness probed, Province looking into 17 cases , Toronto Sun, Feb 2, 2010 (via The One Click Group)

    Americans Say NO to Medical Database, Atlanta Journal Constitution, (via The One Click Group), February 1, 2010

top  JANUARY 2010  

    Criminal Drug Marketing Remains an Issue, The One Click Group, January 31, 2010

    Glaxo to cut 3,000 jobs as focus shifts to emerging markets,, January 31, 2010

    Pilot program provides shots to kids in Denver schools,, January 29, 2010

    Novartis chief warns states (countries) over cancelled vaccine orders, Google News

    Miscarriage prompts halt to [swine] flu jabs, Bangkok Post (via the One Click Group), January 29, 2010

    Klaus [Czech President] steps in to stop mandatory swine flu vaccinations for solidiers, Cesky Rozhlas (via the One Click Group), January 28, 2010

   Swine Flu Didn't Fly, Truthout (via the One Click Group), January 27, 2010

    Miscarriages after flu vaccine (Hong Kong, H1N1) Shanghai Daily, January 27, 2010 (from the One Click Group)

    Drug firms 'drove swine flu pandemic warning to recoup £billions spent on research'  Mail Online, January 27, 2010 (from the One Click Group)

    School gives girl flu shot despite note from parents The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 26, 2010

    Children Ages 9 and Younger Need Two Doses of H1N1 Vaccine, January 25, 2010 

    Tax and Spend: U.N.'s Rx for New World Medical Order, (via The One Click Group), January 22, 2010

    Vaccination Without Doctor Approval In a US Hospital, Medical Voices Vaccine Information Center, January 22, 2010

    UK GP's Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine For Children
    The One Click Group
, January 22, 2010 

    The WHO Global Tax Proposals: Why We Must Oppose It  
    Centre for Research on Globalizations
, January 20, 2010 

    Glaxo Shipped $1.4 billion of H1N1 Vaccines in 4th Quarter 2009  
    Reuters, January 15, 2010

    Swiss warn on flu vaccine with autoimmune disease
Reuters, January 20, 2010 

    School Staff Injected With Insulin Instead of H1N1 Vaccine, January 20, 2010 

    Kenya: Trial HIV Vaccine Leaves 46 Infected, January 12, 2010
(from the One Click Group)

    International Hearings Begin On "Falsified" Swine Flu Pandemic, January 19, 2010

    Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots  Natural News, January 17, 2010

     Swine flu was as elusive as WMD. The real threat is mad scientist syndrome, January 14, 2010 (from the One Click Group)

     Thousands of high-risk kids missing 2nd H1N1 flu doses  
     USA Today, January 15, 2010 

     Young Saskatchewan men should get H1N1 shots, January 15, 2010 

     Governor Paterson (NY) Announces Hospitals Will Again Offer Flu Vaccine to Newborns' Caregivers and older patients  
     New York State Governor's Site, January 15, 2010 

     Sir Liam's Skeleton: the UK Department of Health Fabricates Flu Deaths to Boost Vaccination  
     Age of Autism, January 13, 2010 (from the One Click Group)

     Fewer swine flu jabs as [vaccinated] doc falls ill  
     The Standard, January 08, 2010 
(from the One Click Group)

     UK Government Vaccine Director Threatens Legal Action Against One Click Group   Mail Online, January 14, 2010

     More than half the experts fighting the 'pandemic' have ties to drug firms   Mail Online, January 14, 2010 (from the One Click Group)

     President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors     The White House, January 11, 2010

     H1N1 is a False Pandemic, Health Expert Claims  
     Fox News, January 11, 2010

     Move to recover cost of flu vaccine  
     Finanical Times (UK), January 10, 2010

     NVIC Co-Founder Barbara Loe Fisher Sues Paul Offit,
     Amy Wallace and Wired Magazine for Defamation (Libel), January 7, 2010

     WHO Advisor Secretly Pads Pockets with Big Pharma Money, January 7, 2010

     Childhood Vaccination Gaps Narrowing in U.S. 
     Medical News Today, January 5, 2010

     New Childhood Vaccines Schedules Released
     (includes H1N1, HPV for boys) 
Yahoo News, January 4, 2010

     Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold, January 2, 2010

     European Parliament to Investigate WHO and "Pandemic" Scandal 
     Center for Research on Globalization, January 2, 2010

courthouse clock

2010 POLLS:

Rasmussen Reports, Aug 20, 2010

New Jersey Coalition for Vaccine Choice, May 25, 2010

2009 POLLS:

Fox News Opinion Poll 

Channel 2 HDTV, NY, Ongoing Opinion Poll (scroll down...) 


9-20-09 Albany Healthcare Workers Rally
Vaccine Exemptions E-Book

Alan Phillips, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 3473, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3473
© January 2010